Heaven is full of kids.  Our kids. The ones we’ve miscarried. Aborted. The ones who barely took a breath upon this earth. Despite the painful loss and often secret sorrow we’ve shared, there is hope.  Our children were born into heaven. Living in love. Yes they’re departure was a loss, but rest assured that your child is not lost.  They are very much alive and we will be seeing them, holding them and loving them. They’re a part of our precious family, joyfully anticipating our arrival in heaven someday.  It’s this truth of our future that brings us hope for today.


Some of us have had visions or dreams of seeing our unborn children in heaven.  Have you had a similar experience?  We’d love to hear your story and what the Lord has shown you in dreams or visions of seeing your children in heaven.  Our hope is that by sharing our stories of hope, it will bring encouragement and peace to those who need it.
